Principal and interest payments on the EIDL can be deferred for the first year. The deadline to apply for an EIDL loan is currently December 31, 2021.Borrowers can apply for forgiveness any time up to five years from the date that SBA issued the SBA loan number. Within the portal, click "Loan Summaries" in the toolbar. What are the loan terms and is there a possibility for loan forgiveness? SBA loans are based on the borrower's credit worthiness and repayment ability, and repayment terms can be up to 30 years. Applicants can have an existing SBA Disaster Loan and still qualify for an. EIDL for this disaster, but the loans cannot be consolidated. If the business is a sole proprietorship, the owner is personally liable for EIDL repayment, regardless of loan size. The accounting for a small proprietor works like this.