Existing borrowers may be eligible for PPP loan forgiveness. Lender Agreement (Federally Insured Depository Institutions, Federally Insured Credit Unions, Farm Credit System Institutions)A: Customers will need to access the PPP Online Portal and complete the PPP Forgiveness application found in the left-hand navigation under marketplace. Use the fields to narrow your search and select the "Search for documents" button to see your results. When it's complete, everything will be signed electronically and generated in the SBA format so that it can be submitted on your behalf. Borrowers must complete and submit a PPP loan forgiveness application. Learn how to fill Paycheck Protection Program form online using Signeasy. Basic Parts of the Loan Agreement: Commitment letters, promissory notes, credit agreements, mortgages, assignments and guarantees. The 7(a) loan program is SBA's primary business loan program for providing financial assistance to small businesses. SBA also reminds Lenders that the ''Authorized Lender Official'' for each PPP Loan is subject to the limitations described in the Lender.