When borrowing money from or loaning money to family and friends, make sure that your loan agreement addresses all the basic terms. Clients interested in lending money to financially assist a family member should consider making an intrafamily loan.Here, we outline basic information. Use the fields to narrow your search and select the "Search for documents" button to see your results. You can use a legally binding and easy to fill out Loan Agreement, or a Promissory Note, to capture the details of your loan. It should specify a repayment term and payment schedule, an interest rate, and other contingencies, such as how late payments or a default will be handled. This FindLaw article gives small business owners tips to asking friends and family for business loans. The NC SAFE Act requires licensure or registration for individuals and companies who engage in the mortgage business or process and underwrite mortgage loans. Please call us today at (984) 235-1067 or fill out the form below. Having one is usually a good idea whether you're lending money to family or friends or borrowing from them.