Our office provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. This Agreement supplements the Loan Guarantee Agreement, SBA Form 750, and, if applicable, SBA Form 750B (for shortterm loans), between Lender and SBA.Applicant Business. Name. Title. Instructions for completing this form: A separate SBA Form 1919 for each co-Applicant(e.g. The following checklist is provided to assist with the process of gathering basic information related to a loan request. At the very bottom of the form, fill in the SBA loan number associated with your SBA loan application (either you or your lender can do this). SBA form 159, the Fee Disclosure and Compensation Agreement, is necessary for reporting the fees being paid during an SBA loan transaction. To get involved or find out how you can partner with the School District, please fill out and submit an e-Business Partnership Agreement form (1570). Who can apply for an SBA disaster loan? Along with your business plan, you will be asked to fill out a loan application.