All borrowers, regardless of loan size, can use SBA's direct forgiveness portal. Applying for forgiveness using the portal can take as little as 15 minutes.Create an account in the MySBA Loan Portal (lending.sba. Gov) to monitor your loan status or to make payments. Borrowers who need assistance with forgiveness can contact SBA at our dedicated forgiveness call center: 8775522692. Any SBA EIDL loans made in response to COVID19 before Dec. Unlike PPP loans, there is no forgiveness process for these loans. EIDL Targeted Advances (Grants) do not need to be repaid. A listing of SBA's headquarters and field offices, including District Offices, disaster offices and loan and guaranty centers. Borrowers who received a PPP loan prior to the program closing on May 31, 2021 can now apply for forgiveness.