SBA can provide loans to help cover the costs and expenses that your business would have been able to handle if the disaster did not happen. You can apply at COVID-19 Relief.We provide documents in different languages to help you understand eligibility requirements, fill out applications, and answer frequently asked questions. While EIDLs are not subject to SBA loan forgiveness, there are ways an EIDL lawyer can help you effectively achieve relief from your EIDL. Yes, sole proprietors and independent contractors can apply to the EIDL program as long as they have verifiable business income for 2019 or January of 2020. Unlike PPP loans, there is no forgiveness process for these loans. EIDL Targeted Advances (Grants) do not need to be repaid. The loan advance will provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. The EIDL provides access to a low-interest rate loan in light of the pandemic. Or May or something that those first PPP loans would be running up on that forgiveness deadline.