Use the fields to narrow your search and select the "Search for documents" button to see your results. 1. Fill out the PDFs and supporting documentation and upload it using the drop box. 2.Fill out the PDFs and. SBA uses a general security agreement (UCC) designating business assets as collateral, e.g. Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures, etc. The Security Agreement grants a security interest in the Borrower or Guarantor's personal guaranty as described in the document to the Secured Party (the CDC). In a borrower's loan agreement with SBA, collateral is usually described in general terms, such as inventory, machinery, and equipment. Step 1 - Print and Complete Form. DEVELOPER agrees to complete, or cause to be completed, the improvements described in the Project and Financing Plan and in this Agreement. Loans are a type of financial aid that enables students and parents to borrow money to pay for their educational expenses.