You can use SBA's Lender Match tool to connect with a participating SBA lender. You will apply for your loan directly through your lender.The word Collateral also includes without limitation all collateral described in the Collateral section of this Agreement. All SBA loans require some form of collateral from the borrower. Lenders of SBA loans need to meet the administration's minimum requirements. Are you looking for a loan agreement form in California? Download our free California Loan Agreement Form which is available as PDF or Word documents. A collateral loan agreement is a legal agreement, much like a standard loan agreement, but the borrower has put up assets as security for the loan. The Security Agreement grants a security interest in the Borrower or Guarantor's personal guaranty as described in the document to the Secured Party (the CDC). Detail and formalize the terms of a loan with our free loan agreement template and make the lending process easier for all parties involved.