In February 2024, SBA expanded the eligibility for our Hardship Accommodation Plan (HAP) for borrowers who are struggling with loan payments. SBA can provide loans to help cover the costs and expenses that your business would have been able to handle if the disaster did not happen.As of January 1, 2022, SBA stopped accepting applications for new COVID-19 EIDL loans or advances. Here's how to apply for the SBA Disaster Loan, and what you'll need to know to complete the application successfully. Today we're going to make a quick video on how to apply for your sba eidl loan. We're going to go through the actual application form itself. The first page of the application is simply to verify your eligibility for the loan program itself. Find out how to apply for a small business disaster loan if your business suffered damage and is in a presidentially declared disaster area. Find out how to apply for a small business disaster loan if your business suffered damage and is in a presidentially declared disaster area. Completed SBA loan application (SBA Form 5 or 5C).