GovTelephone: 804-371-8254. An owner who has valuable personal assets may be requested to pledge those assets as security on the business loan before the SBA agrees to guarantee the loan.When applying for an SBA 7(a) loan, you must complete SBA Form 1919. The SBA considers personal guarantees as separate from collateral requirements. Fill out all applicable spaces in the information grid at the top of the front page of the Guarantee. To complete the application, please place your cursor in the field you wish to complete, enter your information then tab to the next field. A personal guarantee is an agreement that the business owner will personally pay back the loan if the business fails to. Be creditworthy and demonstrate a reasonable ability to repay the loan. Use of loan proceeds. The SBA guarantee does allow the lender to loan more money, extend longer terms, and approve loans to less mature businesses than it otherwise would.