Indenture refers to a legal and binding agreement, contract, or document between two or more parties. "Collateral" has the meaning specified in the Granting Clause of this Bond Indenture.The bond indenture outlines the parameters of the bond issue, such as the par amount, issuer, coupon rate, security pledge, and the rights of bondholders. Consequently, thoughtful, precedent-informed drafting is essential when drafting a no action clause for a bond indenture. Complete and accurate Guarantee Application materials, submitted in a timely manner, demonstrating each of the Eligible CDFI's ability to repay its Bond Loan;. "Collateral" has the meaning specified in the Granting Clause of this Bond Indenture. (Interestingly, the terms "debt securities" and "equity securities" appear nowhere in the law.) The TIA does not apply to stock. In the event of default, this indenture's collateral would pay back those bondholders. How Closed-End Indentures Work. Bond indenture, also known as bond resolution, is a core legal document that acts as a contract between the bond issuer and bondholder.