Attention is particularly directed to Rules 0-1 and 0-2 as to the meaning of terms used in the rules and regulations. Attention is also directed to Rule 5a-3.An indenture agreement is a legally binding document or contract that establishes terms and conditions between two or more parties. In 1855, "Logan's Black Law" was passed, which limited the rights of free Blacks and threatened Black immigrants with indentured servitude. "Indirect Cost Rate" means a device for determining in a reasonable manner the proportion of indirect costs each Program should bear. Schools often teach the Civil War in terms of "free states" and "slave states. " Illinois complicates those definitions. Illinois was not the only northern state to enact Black Laws, which put severe restrictions on blacks and often banned them from settling in certain states. Do you hold or are you the spouse or minor child who holds an elective office in the State of Illinois or hold a seat in the General Assembly? No, acceptance of an application and the status of "active" means your application was evaluated and complete.