The Old World models were more like an indenture, where there was a term of labor to be paid, and then freedom would be granted. Indentured servitude encompassed a number of conditions that legally bound an individual, voluntarily or involuntarily, to serve a master for term of years."Shared Principal Collections" means all amounts that any Indenture Supplement designates as "Shared Principal Collections. This collection contains indentures, apprenticeships, and manumissions for the following states and localities. In the indenture he promises not to marry, play dice, or frequent taverns or playhouses. This system provided incentives for both the master and servant. `The Corporation, the King," Luberon added quickly, `have drawn an indenture up with Mistress Swinbrooke. Grace, C.L. A SHRINE OF MURDERS. Due to various Federal, State, and local tax policies, interest rates are lower than in the private sector. Weighted average cost or firstin, firstout methods.