The Old World models were more like an indenture, where there was a term of labor to be paid, and then freedom would be granted. This collection contains indentures, apprenticeships, and manumissions for the following states and localities.This research guide provides lists of resources and search strategies to help you discover materials related to early American papers of indenture. In witness whereof the parties above-named to these indentures have interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Indentured servitude was of immense value to colonial America. Through the headright system, it allowed for the transportation of men and women. Each trustee shall be paid at the end of each calendar year an amount specified in the. Samuel Stent Miller apprenticed himself to Gabriel Manigault Bounetheau, a Charleston, South Carolina printer, for a period of five years. In the English colonies along the Atlantic coast, indentured servants initially filled the need for labor in the North, where family farms were the norm. Indentured servants -- North Carolina.