An indenture is a deed with more than one party. An indenture is a legal and binding contract usually associated with bond agreements, real estate, or bankruptcy.An indenture is a legal contract between two parties, particularly for indentured labour or a term of apprenticeship but also for certain land transactions. In a correction deed should date of "indenture" be that of first deed or should it be date of notarization on correction deed? Am I correct that: a trust indenture, as opposed to a deed of trust, serves the same purpose but outlines the details of. "Certificate of Occupancy" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Township's. Of this latter kind are deeds of trusteeship, marriage settlements, mortgages, and sales or transfers of land. General of the United Provinces (the Netherlands), the. There exist different types of title deeds as per the various types of Land Acts that have been in existence. Types of Title Deeds: Indenture Title.