Landlords in Philadelphia need to follow certain requirements in addition to obtaining a Rental License. Learn about how to rent your property long-term.Checks or money orders should be made out to "City of Philadelphia. Our expert team of leasing specialists and property managers in Philadelphia are here to service your investment day and night. The two-step transfer of the deed consisted of two indentures acting as one conveyance. A prospective landlord shall make a decision to rent to or reject a prospective tenant only after reviewing the prospective tenant's specific application. Includes the names of both parties to the indenture, and the length and terms of the contract. Indentured servitude encompassed a number of conditions that legally bound an individual, voluntarily or involuntarily, to serve a master for term of years. Our research tells us that Philadelphia has approximately 55,000 landlords who own roughly 136,000 rental properties with 288,000 units. EBay Money Back Guarantee.