The syndicate manager is responsible for pricing the bonds and setting the underwriting spread. Including the new bond issue, what is Boston's net direct debt per capita?We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the businesstype activities, the aggregate discretely presented. This is a Security Agreement covering Personal Property as well as a Mortgage upon Real Estate and Other Property Bonds payable are reported net of applicable bond premiums or discounts. A contract between an Issuer and a Trustee (normally a commercial bank with trust powers) under which the Issuer issues Bonds and specifies their Maturities. Tese decisions may impact how issuers interpret bond indentures and may result in changes in the drafting of certain indenture provisions in the future. Amortized over the term of the related indenture. A bond indenture also contains all the terms and conditions applicable to the bond issue. See "LEGAL OPINION AND TAX EXEMPTION .