File Intent and Affidavit forms for Washington State public works projects online, through this secured system. Wage Intent and Affidavit (PWIA) system. Feedback.Attention is particularly directed to Rules 0-1 and 0-2 as to the meaning of terms used in the rules and regulations. Attention is also directed to Rule 5a-3. Filing your Declaration of Intent is necessary to let the public school know that you are planning to homeschool your child and is not truant. Indentured servitude is no longer legal. Custodial interference laws make it a crime to take or hide a child from the other parent with the intent to deny that parent access to the child for a long. By 1799, the last year of George Washington's life, slaves made up nearly 40 percent of Virginia's residents. However, getting mixed up can be a significant problem if it means you're not in compliance with prevailing wage. Frethorne pleaded with his parents to redeem (buy out) his indenture.