Complete this form if you own property used for commercial purposes that is not included in the assessed value of your business' real property. Supporting and promoting Florida agriculture, the environment, consumers, and ensuring the safety and quality of food.Before starting a business, you probably will need to register with the Florida Department of State, the IRS and the Florida Department of Revenue. All the forms listed below are PDF files, which require use of either Adobe Acrobat or the free Adobe Acrobat Reader programs. We are recruiting businesses that provide goods and services which the County buys to get certified in our local small business programs. This form is to be filled out and given to the FDACS inspector in the field and submitted as part of a mobile food establishment. An appropriate Business License. 2. The Florida Agricultural Classification may help lower taxes and protect the land owner from certain laws. Here is all you need to know. SBBC shall, at this sole expense, provide substitute instructors certified for Agriculture Science Education in the event of teacher absence.