Throughout these Terms and Conditions, Cuyahoga County shall be referred to as "County" and vendors or service providers shall be referred to as "Seller". This Standard Document can be adapted for a specific project, for.THIS AGREEMENT for Professional Services is effective this day of. Below, on the left, you'll see the terms to which you must agree if you're going to use 121eCommerce's services. Generally, a business opportunity plan is an agreement in which a buyer pays a seller for the right to offer, sell or distribute goods or services. Gov(opens in a new window). A) The business must demonstrate that its principal place of business has been located in Cuyahoga. Our e-commerce templates guide you through each step of your journey. Choose a template, and create and download your document easily! The firm must be located in Cuyahoga County (mailbox facilities or other similar arrangements do not constitute a physical presence).