In this first module we begin with the discussion of contracts of adhesion and their use in web and software based agreements. Our free, downloadable ecommerce terms and conditions template is fully customizable, including the title, and applies to all of the following online stores.The foregoing right and license grant includes the exclusive right for the Operator to (a) sell Licensed. The potential investment under the CHIPS and Science Act would shore up domestic supply of microcontroller chips and create over 700 new jobs. Learn which contracts are common to e-commerce businesses and how to manage high-volume transactions online. Minimize legal risk. Any organization that does business on the Internet has a legal relationship with its customers, which is spelled out in their "Terms and Conditions" statement. LLC operating agreements establish how a limited liability company is to be run and are equivalent to a corporation's bylaws. Transaction date of Harris County Tax Office online payment portal; transaction date of telephone payment. Q. Where can I pay my property taxes?