The Purchase Agreement will specify what each party is required to deliver to the other at closing. Purchase agreements are legally binding contracts used to guide the transition of ownership in a business or the sale of its assets.Some unique challenges involved in the sale of e-commerce businesses include valuation; intellectual property, or IP; asset ownership; and key employees. Are you planning to purchase a business? Learn more about the process as well as your rights and responsibilities as a buyer. Download our free ecommerce terms and conditions template your online store and learn how to fill it out properly with examples. Learn how to properly fill out all of the residential listing contract documents and everything associated with it. "Contract for sale" includes both a present sale of goods and a contract to sell goods at a future time. Before signing a contract to purchase this business opportunity, you should confirm the current status of the letter of credit with the issuer. D. Selling a business contract involves a lot of paperwork.