When a document has been e-filed, it is served on all participating parties and marked FILED with the Nassau County Clerk's Office. Bahamian applying to conduct business in The Bahamas requires approval from the Bahamian Investment Authority.Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. The Bahamas anticipates that the ecommerce legislation will enhance the efficiency of all aspects of doing business in The Bahamas. It refers to a virtual storefront or virtual mall wherein products are listed in a catalogue format for sale on a website. However, the requirements are different for online businesses. What responsibilities do e-commerce platforms have under these rules? "Once the legislation is in place, then we have the wherewithal to promote The Bahamas as a place from which to carry out e-commerce," says Smith. The very nature of commerce over the internet ("e-commerce" or "e-business" or "web-based business") is that it is multi-jurisdictional.