You will need your entity's exact legal name as registered with the federal government and your federal tax identification number to complete the process. If you desire to conduct business as any limited partnership, you must file with our office to receive that designation.Our law firm assists companies with compliance and enforceability of their consumer-facing online agreements, policies, and disclosures. Check out this list of the top eCommerce companies in Phoenix, AZ. See company benefits, info, interviews and more at Built In. Business organization of any kind, and the rights and obligations of the parties will be only those expressly set forth in the agreement. Download our free ecommerce terms and conditions template your online store and learn how to fill it out properly with examples. Mobile Food Type I, II and III are approved to operate at Farmers' Markets, Special Events, business locations, private functions, etc. , in Maricopa County. Fill Out the Application. Ready to apply, visit Permit Center.