The application will allow farmers to create accounts, list products with details like price and location. Identify your target audience and market.An Agricultural Products Marketing Agreement is an agreement made between the producer (farmer) and the purchaser of the agricultural products. Getting a sales contract or sales agreement first is very important to set procedures and standards. But, contracts can seem a bit formalistic. The platform and modern techniques will help to sell the crops at different layers of marketing chain providing multiple options (market, merchant or end user) Agri e-commerce provides an opportunity to streamline the agricultural value chain and reduce inefficiencies in the distribution of farm produce. A group of 71 WTO members agreed to initiate exploratory work towards future WTO negotiations on trade-related aspects of e-commerce. The Proposer agrees to fully and accurately complete the Vendor Responsibility. Farmers may deduct up to 75 percent of their farm vehicle expenses as qualified business expenses without the business record substantiation (a log).