Even at relatively low interest rates, you may be surprised at the amount of interest you pay over the life of a loan. Use our free Alameda County, California mortgage calculator to quickly estimate your closing expenses on your home mortgage.Includes taxes, insurance, PMI. Use this free mortgage calculator to estimate your monthly mortgage payments and annual amortization. Use our loan payoff calculator to see when your mortgage or other loan will be paid off in full. After completing the Financial Awareness Counseling, print out the confirmation and submit it with the rest of the loan documents. Mortgage Payoff Calculator. Use SmartAsset's free California mortgage loan calculator to determine your monthly payments, including PMI, homeowners insurance, taxes, interest and more. Use our free Livermore, Alameda County, California VA mortgage calculator to quickly estimate your closing expenses on your home mortgage. This Scenario Calculator helps loan officers and lending partners determine which CalhFA loan scenario works best for their homebuyer.