Calculate your per diem allowance for your trip. Simply enter your travel dates and details to find out your per diem allowance.GSA establishes the maximum CONUS (Continental United States) Per Diem rates for federal travel customers. To set up a payment plan for a service purchase, you must sign a contract and submit it to ACERA. By including a per diem amount in the letter, the parties will not have to execute another payoff letter if the termination date. Employees will submit a pre-approval request online with the documentation listed below BEFORE the expense is incurred. Per diem rates look-up Allowances for lodging, meal and incidental costs while on official government travel. Intermittent acting pay shall be paid hour per hour for time worked in a higher classification. Customer: I Check the payoff letter and it does not have a per diem amount. You can fill out your FAFSA online or through the mail.