Service credit is measured in years. In general, you earn a year of service credit for each year you work full-time in an ACERA-covered job.In this part we will learn how to calculate single option (call or put) profit or loss for a given underlying price. Let's implement this calculation in Python. Calculating Debt Payoff. If you have unpaid child support debt, you can figure out how long it will take to pay it off with our Arrears Payoff Calculator. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the process of constructing call and put option payoff diagrams using Microsoft Excel. The payoff formula is: Short call payoff per share = (premium per share - (MAX (0, (share price - strike price)). The strike price is the price at which the option holder can execute the option up until its expiry date when the option ends. Ask the students to take out their Career Interest Survey and to quietly review their answers to Section A. 2.