Balances Prior to Billing Transactions are Shown Below – Displays balances, as of the statement date, for the following accounts: • Principal. Loan Applicants who do not file a Form 1040 Federal Tax Return or State Form PA1000: You will need to obtain a written "Verification of.Our goal is to create a statement that is easy to understand and that provides information to borrowers about current and past payments. How do I fill this out? HEMAP is a loan program to prevent foreclosure. Learn more about a HEMAP loan and how PHFA can help you keep your home. HEMAP is a loan program to prevent foreclosure. Learn more about a HEMAP loan and how PHFA can help you keep your home. All information provided in the application are complete, accurate and current. If you have questions about how property taxes can affect your overall financial plans, a financial advisor in Philadelphia can help you out.