Obtain loan payment information; Transfer funds • Make loan payments; Obtain up-to-date savings and loan rates; Speak to a Member Service Representative. Payoff Request Form.Access to high-quality education is a fundamental value provided to Florida's students through the Florida Constitution. The Form Catalog consists of Circuit, County Civil, Probate, Simplified Divorce, Tenant Eviction and Traffic, Felony and Misdemeanor form packages. Get a 10-day payoff amount here. The Form Catalog consists of Circuit, County Civil, Probate, Simplified Divorce, Tenant Eviction and Traffic, Felony and Misdemeanor form packages. Planning on moving to South Florida, or already living in the area? If you want to pay off specific loans, select "Specify for Each Loan" and fill in the Current Balance amount for each loan you want to pay off. Starting April 17, 2024, voters must use the updated state-issued form to request a Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballot in writing.