The Form Catalog consists of Circuit, County Civil, Probate, Simplified Divorce, Tenant Eviction and Traffic, Felony and Misdemeanor form packages. Org​ or via fax to 954-357-9031. ​.Copies of recorded deeds and mortgages related to Broward properties are available online at the Broward County Records Division website. Filling out this form is straightforward. You MUST either be a registered Broward voter or file a notarized Declaration of Domicile form with the Broward County Recording Office. Payoff Request Form. Fill in the blank Mortgage Instrument and Promissory Note form formatted to comply with all Florida recording and content requirements. After completing the online purchase, documents will be sent via email with a PDF-certified document attached. Written obligations to pay money, such as promissory notes, and recorded mortgages. Filling out this form is straightforward.