If your account has been paid in full for more than 90 days, you can also obtain a duplicate title or lien release online at Vehicle Title My Way. 1) Complete all highlighted fields in the "Odometer Disclosure Statement" form, up to the "Lessor.The lender will release the electronic lien and DMV will mail you a paper title to the address on file. Transactions Lienholders Can Process in the ELT System. Release of paper title to a vehicle's registered owner without a registered owner change of address. Get a lien release letter—right here. It's easy and affordable. Once you pay off your loan, your lender will send you an official release of lien letter. Explore purchase options and resources, get pre-approved for a new Honda purchase or lease, or log in to your American Honda Financial Services account. When your loan is paid off, your lender will send the lien release to the DMV.