In case you have paid the remaining loan amount, then mention the payment details. This includes payment mode, amount paid, date, copy of receipt, etc.This article will provide you with the format and samples for a loan foreclosure request letter format and help you write a good letter. This guide contains useful information for homeowners in financial distress who struggle to pay their monthly mortgage loan payments. Learn how the California foreclosure process works, including preforeclosure steps, foreclosure procedures, and homeowners rights. Do not alter this statement, except to complete the bracketed items. Assignees that designate servicing agents to collect mortgage loan payments (some of which are located out of California). Foreclosure happens when the property owner fails to make their mortgage payments to the lender and defaults on the terms of the mortgage loan. If you want to know what it will take to pay off a loan, you'll need to access a payoff statement (sometimes called a payoff letter).