Depending on your lender, you may have to sign in to an online account, call a helpline, or send a formal letter to start the request process. You must request a mortgage payoff letter from your lender.Pay your mortgage from your PNC or non-PNC Checking or Savings account using the Make a Payment feature within Online Banking. The mortgage payoff statement is a document that provides a comprehensive breakdown of the remaining balance on a mortgage. To get a payoff letter, ask your mortgage lender for an official payoff statement and let them know what the projected closing date is. Even better, if you have a final statement from the lender, it should show that your loan was paid in full. You'll also need to send us the endorsed claim check and a signed letter requesting that we use the claim proceeds to pay off your mortgage loan. Refinancing is when you secure a mortgage with new terms and use the new loan to pay off your existing mortgage balance. You will need your 10-digit Freedom Mortgage loan number and your Social Security number in order to create an account. This document serves to provide authorization to your mortgage lender(s) to release your mortgage payoff to.