How do I obtain a Payoff Letter or a Lien Release? To obtain a Payoff Letter or a Lien Release please fax your request to 312.747.How to fill out the Payoff Request Letter Templates? I (we), the owners of the above mentioned property, authorize you to release all mortgage and payoff information to Chicago Title. Deliver the Payoff Letter – The payoff letter must clearly provide that the equity line is to be frozen and the deed of trust canceled of record. To get a payoff letter, ask your mortgage lender for an official payoff statement and let them know what the projected closing date is. The official website of the City of Chicago Department of Finance, otherwise know as the Comptroller's Office. Application and Eligibility. In Wisconsin, as a secured creditor, you are obligated to provide a borrower with a payoff statement on demand. What does that mean for you?