You must begin to repay, with interest, after you graduate or stop attending at least half-time (6 credits). Answers to frequently asked questions about financial aid for U.S. students at Clark University.Students requesting additional loan funds must complete, in its entirety, the Financial Aid Request Form found on our Financial Aid Forms web page. You may use the sample letter on the next page to ask your loan servicing company for more information about how to lower your monthly payment. You will assume repayment of your loan six months after you cease to be enrolled at least half-time. The recommended loan on your award letter represents the. Failure to submit a forgiveness application will result in the LRAP loan going into repayment, including the accrual of interest. Download the PDF application in English or Spanish. Improvements that the Department made to the federal loan repayment system. Shonta Clark is a dedicated Sr. Loan Consultant with solid experience in home loan origination.