The City Court will provide you with an Information Subpoena, two sets of written questions and a cover letter. If you need to obtain a Demand for Payoff please fill out the form listed below or fax your request to 702-455-2080.Search Official Records for liens. To find a payoff amount, please contact the creditor or Liening party for the correct amount. You will need your case number to complete the transaction. Mail Payments to: Payment made in person: Clark County Clerk, Clark County Clerk's Office. Once the judgment is completely paid off, you must file a Satisfaction of Judgment with the court so that the payoff is reflected in the court's records. Civil Department accepts filings for new complaints, issues service of summonses, maintains pleadings filed in each case, and issues subpoenas to witnesses. Citation Form (Word doc) - This is a general citation for use for noting a motion on the court docket. It can be used for civil, domestic or criminal cases.