If you are paying off a specific loan or set of loans online, use the "Custom Pay" dropdown to select "Specify for Each Loan". A 10 day payoff is crucial to getting your old loans paid off during a refinance.Learn how it works from start to finish. The loan payoff statement includes your principal balance, any outstanding interest due, and potentially any prepayment penalty (if applicable). If you want to pay off specific loans, select "Specify for Each Loan" and fill in the Current Balance amount for each loan you want to pay off. First, you should receive a letter from your lender congratulating you and confirming that the loans were paid off. Save this letter forever. A student loan payoff letter, also called a payoff statement or loan verification letter, outlines your loan's essential details. Who is an eligible student for AOTC? Location: Howes Street Business Center, 1st Floor Mailing Address: 6024 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins,CO 80523-6024 Physical Address: 555 S Howes St.