After full payment of defaulted taxes against which a certificate of lien has been recorded, an Unrecorded Release of Lien notice will be mailed to the owner. This Notice of Intent to Lien form can be downloaded and used to help speed up payment on a construction project in California.The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. To complete an eviction we require the original writ, Sheriff's fee, and a signed Contra Costa County Sheriff letter of instruction for eviction located above. To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Committee must fill out a speaker's card. The scammer mails the letter to a taxpayer. The lien or levy is based on bogus overdue taxes owed to a non-existent agency. Discuss this issue and even fill out a preliminary draft pro-forma IRS Form 8594 as part of the Letter of Intent or Term Sheet). 516 burying, and compaction of Solid Waste in the refuse fill areas; stockpiling, placement and compaction. 517. • All ZIP codes in Contra Costa County are inside our.