After full payment of defaulted taxes against which a certificate of lien has been recorded, an Unrecorded Release of Lien notice will be mailed to the owner. Transactions Lienholders Can Process in the ELT System.Release of paper title to a vehicle's registered owner without a registered owner change of address. How do I fill this out? To fill out this form, ensure you have all required vehicle details ready. Provide a site within Contra Costa County for the secured parking of up to two (2) retired county vehicles. â–» Focused and ambitious actions are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve community resilience, and adapt equitably to a changing climate. â–» There are parks, community centers and gardens, small businesses, and faith spaces available to serve everyone in the diverse population. The court will have a lien on the settlement in the amount of the waived fees and costs. Provide a site within Contra Costa County for the secured parking of up to two (2) retired county vehicles.