Have you selected a repayment option that will bring your loans out of delinquency? This is a template letter to your creditors requesting that they forgive your debt and write it off for compassionate reasons.You must submit an LRAP forgiveness application to fully or partially forgive each LRAP loan within 30 days of your contract ending. Do you need help applying for financial aid, submitting documents, signing up for bank mobile? RCU offers a variety of personal loans, including signature loans and even bike loans with low rates and flexible terms that meet your needs. Please type in "Contra Costa. " Important U.S. Department of Education Updates (Loan Repayment). SoloSuit's Answer is free and easy to fill out, and no instructions are needed. To receive an LRAP loan, you must submit an LRAP application. Then, at the end of each LRAP contract, you must submit an application for forgiveness.