By including a per diem amount in the letter, the parties will not have to execute another payoff letter if the termination date. Depending on the time of month a loan closes, the per diem charge may vary from a full month's interest to a few days.Access forms available from the Assessor's office, including benefits, business personal property, change in ownership, and other general forms. The Payoff Amount and Per Diem Amount quoted herein are effective through December 31, 2020. This Annual Action Plan is the 3rd Annual Action Plan for the current Consolidated Planning period. 2. This Annual Action Plan is the 3rd Annual Action Plan for the current Consolidated Planning period. 2. This directory lists points of contact for your Consolidated Plan. The Board of Directors of the County Probation Consortium Partnering for Youth. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- out objection, it is so ordered.