Under the Loan Information section, you will find a payoff request option that will take you to our payoff request form. With a parking ticket payment plan, you can pay the total amount you owe for parking ticket judgment debt in installments, rather than all at once.You will need to include all relevant information in the letter such as the loan amount, any outstanding payments, and the date of repayment. How to fill out the Payoff Request Letter Templates? With a parking ticket payment plan, you can pay the total amount you owe for parking ticket judgment debt in installments, rather than all at once. You must fill out the Application for Vehicle Transaction(s) (VSD 190). This is a standard form of payoff letter. At Ascentra Credit Union, our motto is listening, caring, doing what's right. We're a credit union that cares and is here to help you every step of the way. All such payments should be itemized in the payoff statement and be available to you for review.