Balances Prior to Billing Transactions are Shown Below – Displays balances, as of the statement date, for the following accounts: • Principal. This mortgage statement from U.S. Bank Home Mortgage provides details of the homeowner's account for a property located at 1207 Debra St, San Antonio, TX.Our goal is to create a statement that is easy to understand and that provides information to borrowers about current and past payments. You can force the lender to provide this information under a federal law known as RESPA. This law allows you to submit a Qualified Written Request. Complete Form PTAX-203-B, Illinois Real Estate Transfer Declaration Supplemental Form B. 11 Full actual consideration. Download English and Spanish versions of TRID model and sample forms for different loan types. Typically, cooking the books involves manipulating financial data to inflate a company's revenue, deflate expenses, and pump up profit. A monthly mortgage statement contains important information about your loan servicer, your payment schedule, your loan balance and much more. They may only be able to get mortgage loans in the subprime market, which charges higher interest rates.