All loan applicants must: • Live in Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, Geauga, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Summit, or Trumbull county. This article provides information regarding titles on vehicles and whether a lien is attached or cleared.This completed form and the Request for Lien Payoff Information should be faxed to the Reso staff at. 614.644.7106. You can use your judgment entry and complaint to complete name and address information. 4. Bring the completed forms to the Clerk of Courts office. 5. The sign-off sheet must include signatures from the Building Inspector, Fire Inspector, and any applicable Mechanical Inspectors. A complete application is defined as one that is entirely filled in and signed and in which a preapproval, purchase agreement and property card are present. Forms and applications for general courts, protection orders and garnishment. Congress first authorized the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act in 1990 and re-authorized the legislation in 1996, 2000 and 2006. The term 'secured' means the borrower must put up collateral, such as a home or a car, in case the loan is not repaid.