The Vehicle Payoff Sample Letter form is a crucial document for individuals aiming to transfer their vehicle loan to the State Department Federal Credit Union. When a dealer pays off a loan for a vehicle taken in trade with an e-Title, the lienholder has 10 business days after receipt of payment to release the lien.Make the payment payable to Santander Consumer USA and send it to the address listed on the pay stub attached to the bottom of your monthly statement. How to fill out the Payoff Request Letter Templates? We make it easy with so many ways to pay! Explore online payment options like one time, recurring, or principal only payments. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a formal payoff statement confirming the full satisfaction of your loan. You can utilize our useful online tools and rely on our dedicated customer service team to help you manage your account. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a formal payoff statement confirming the full satisfaction of your loan. Auto Loan Payoff Payments.