By including a per diem amount in the letter, the parties will not have to execute another payoff letter if the termination date. It typically details the principal balance, interest due as of that date, per diem, any late fees, etc.We request you furnish our office a written payoff with per diem, please fax the payoff as soon as possible to (352)282-4895. Payoff Statement Form. Mortgage Servicing, July 27, 2021 ; Mortgage Company: Required Disclosure – Specific Notice to Mortgage Applicant (7 TAC §56.200(b)). Statement from us will be required. If loan has quotable per diem interest, then "Funds received after ______ will be. What is a Payoff Agreement? A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. What is a Payoff Agreement?