If the lender has gone out of business, you will need a letter from the SCC or the MVDB stating that the lender is no longer in business. If you lose the title or it is destroyed, you must obtain a lien release letter from the lender.This is done through a Circuit Court and places a lien against any real property owned in a specific county. Lien or Bank Name on Title. Fill out the application for title on the DMV website. There is a place for where it's titled now including the other state's title number. Fill in the blank Unconditional Lien Waiver on Partial Payment form formatted to comply with all Virginia recording and content requirements. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership. If one loses or destroys their title, they must get a lien release letter from the lender and apply for a new title. This request can be made through the DMV or directly to the lender.