To pay your fee, log into your case in CEAC and click the 'PAY NOW' button under Affidavit of Support Fee or IV Fee on your summary page. The Land Records Division is located on the 3rd Floor of the Fairfax County Courthouse at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 317, Fairfax, VA 22030.Yes, please fill out the Owner Exemption Statement Form. You can contact Apple FCU via phone, chat, email, or our secure message center. A member from our team will be happy to assist you. Cash, business checks, certified checks or money orders are accepted. Please fill out the form below for general questions. This page contains the forms and documents for Members to conduct business with Apple Federal Credit Union. Complete the Financial Evidence Assistant clicking the 'What Financial Evidence Do I Need to Submit' button below to learn more about what must be submitted. County of Fairfax, Virginia. FEATURES.