Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. You can't deduct home mortgage interest unless the following conditions are met.To be eligible, you must have filed your taxes for the last 3 years. Fairfax County, Virginia - Real estate assessments, tax rates, comparisons, and appeals. The decision to pay off a mortgage also comes with numerous tax considerations that should be thoroughly explored with your tax professional. Yes, please fill out the Owner Exemption Statement Form. Loss Amount in the form and in accordance with the methodology set forth in Exhibits 2a(1)-(3),. The Conservation Agreement is made between the County and the property owners to ensure proposed measures of conservation are established. A more detailed explanation of application submission requirements is provided below and in the Application Manual. For multifamily landlords, the sum of rent being charged in the market is indispensable information.